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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Air Force Secretary Advocates Using Mass Torture Device on American Protesters

Given the state of civil liberties and the extreme lack of respect for human rights the government has displayed lately, this surprises me not at all. R.J. Eskow reports at the Huffington Post that mass torture of crowds is very close to reality:

Remember this story from last week? "The Air Force secretary says nonlethal weapons such as high-power microwave devices should be used on American citizens in crowd-control situations before they are used on the battlefield." It's worse than we heard ... much worse. These weapons, which cause "intolerable pain" and have been condemned by scientists as mass torture devices, may be coming soon to a demonstration near you. And there are stranger and more lethal weapons where these came from.

The Secretary, Michael Wynne, is a longtime exec at defense contractor General Dynamics - a fox now in charge of the henhouse. The weapon he was describing is "intended to cause heating and intolerable pain in less than five seconds," as described in this Australian newspaper account.

And guess which company is one of the world's leaders in military microwave technology? General Dynamics. So you can rest assured that Wynne's very knowledgeable about this technology's intended use here and abroad, both by the military and other agencies.

Doesn't that sound like fun? Yeah, it doesn't. Neither does this:

As for the microwave beam, New Scientist reported that when it was tested, "experimenters banned glasses and contact lenses to prevent possible eye damage to the subjects, and in the second and third tests removed any metallic objects such as coins and keys to stop hot spots being created on the skin. They also checked the volunteers' clothes for certain seams, buttons and zips which might also cause hot spots."

So let's turn it on barbarian hordes armed with deadly signs and fearsome papier mache puppets. That'll learn those commies to go using that damned First Amendment.


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