John Nichols, in The Nation:
Two days after President Bush used a nationally-televised address to exploit the memory of September 11 for political purposes – employing language and logic so craven that it would have made Richard Nixon cringe – the Republican leadership of the tried to plant a campaign yard sign in the wreckage of the World Trade Center. And vast majority of House Democrats, lacking both the courage of their convictions and all other forms of that precious commodity, gave their ascent to the desecration.
With the fall election season in full swing, House Republicans tried to take full advantage of the anniversary of the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington to suggest that the Congress has been anything more than a useless appendage of the Bush administration for the past five years. U.S. Rep. Peter King, R-New York, sponsored a resolution that, while it was promoted as a commemoration of one of the most solemn dates in American history, was in fact an apologia for Congressional assaults on civil liberties such as the Patriot Act.
Only 22 member of the House refused to go along with the unseemly charade. Twenty-one Democrats and one dissident Republican, Ron Paul of Texas, refused to play politics.
Among the handful of House members who did the right thing was Wisconsin Democrat Tammy Baldwin, who complained that, "The Republican majority disgracefully politicized what should have been a solemn and sincere resolution."
Instead of honoring the memory of those who died and recalling the trauma that the attacks inflicted on the United States, Baldwin said, "[House Republicans] converted the resolution into an endorsement of the PATRIOT Act, punitive immigration bills, and other highly controversial measures, which many of my constituents oppose. The Republicans show enormous disrespect to the 9/11 victims and families by playing election year politics with something as solemn as the fifth anniversary of 9/11."
Just one more reason why I've endorsed Tammy...
Tags: news politics 9-11 republican propaganda Tammy Baldwin