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Friday, September 22, 2006

Frist, McCain Hurt GOP Senate Fundraising

Early presidential run fundraising efforts by Bill Frist and John McCain are putting the GOP's Senate majority at risk.

Wall Street Journal:

Though Democrats face uphill climb for six-seat gain, Republican strategists fear opposing campaign committee’s $12 million cash edge heightens chances of an upset. Defenders of Sen. Dole, who heads up Republican committee, cite cash competition from 2008 presidential wannabes Frist and McCain.

Democrats believe Menendez of New Jersey is their only incumbent at risk, though they dismiss talk of replacing him on ballot with Rep. Andrews. After scare from antiwar left, incumbent Cantwell in Washington leads Republican challenger McGavick. In Maryland, Democrats grudgingly credit Republican Steele for effective, offbeat ads, but count on state’s blue tint to elect moderate Rep. Cardin to succeed retiring Sarbanes.

It must be especially galling to see Bill Frist suck up the cash when he doesn't stand a chance in hell.

(h/t Political Wire)


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