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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Griper Blade: Bush Signs Detainee Torture Bill, Turns the US into a Nation of Cowards

It's official. There is now an exception to justice in the United States. For all intents and purposes, the Bush administration can arrest anyone in the world for any reason and keep them in prison indefinitely. There's only one catch -- the president has to claim the person arrested is a 'terrorist suspect.'

Luckily for Bush, he isn't required to actually prove anything and the arrested -- now referred to as a 'detainee' -- has no way to challenge it. Being declared a 'terrorist suspect' is a trial and sentence in itself.

Reading the opening paragraph of the Associated Press, you'd get the idea that the bill Bush signed yesterday was about putting terrorists on trial.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Some of the most notorious names in the war on terror are headed toward prosecution after President Bush signed a law Tuesday authorizing military trials of terrorism suspects.

Apparently, there used to be some sort of magic shield around terrorists that kept law enforcement from bringing them into an actual court of law or something. Damned terrorists with their special protections!

People overseas got a much different idea of what the legislation means.

Agence France-Presse:

WASHINGTON (AFP) - President George W. Bush signed a controversial law allowing secret overseas CIA prisons, harsh interrogation tactics, and military trials as weapons against suspected terrorists.

I forget, are we still supposed to hate the french? It's so hard to keep up. Now, we can arrest them all, lock them up in Syria, and force feed them freedom fries -- that's absolutely legal now. I suppose that it'd be in violation of international law, but that's not so important. In fact, the bill gives Bush the power to interpret international law...



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