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Thursday, October 26, 2006

Michael J. Fox Ad Extremely Effective

First, here's the ad:

Seems Rush Limbaugh made a serious mistake in attacking the ad. By doing so, he brought it into the 24 hour news cycle, where it's being played several times a day, nationally and for free. This is very bad news for Republicans.

Taegen Goddard's Political Wire:

A new national study revealed that voters' support for stem cell research "increased after they viewed an ad featuring Michael J. Fox in which he expresses his support for candidates who are in favor of stem cell research."

Key finding: "Republicans who indicated that they were voting for a Republican candidate decreased by 10% after viewing the ad (77% to 67%). Independents planning to vote for Democrats increased by 10%, from 39% to 49%."

And now, thanks to Limbaugh, it's in heavy rotation on CNN, MSNBC, and FOX. How would you like to be the one who threw the GOP in the trash two weeks before the election? That's basically what Limbaugh's done. Although, I doubt that after the smoke clears, anyone will remember it that way -- it'll be 'Foley-Foley-Foley.'

Smooth move, Rush. You're the best operative Democrats ever had.


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