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Sunday, October 29, 2006

Poll: Clear Majority of Americans are Pro-Choice

Another sign of a struggling and out of touch religious right. When Newsweek asked, "Which side of the political debate on the abortion issue do you sympathize with more: the right-to-life movement that believes abortion is the taking of human life and should be outlawed; OR, the pro-choice movement that believes a woman has the right to choose what happens to her body, including deciding to have an abortion?" 39% answered Right-to-Life, 53% answered Pro-Choice.

Republicans are clearly outside the mainstream on this one -- 62% of the anti-big government types thought government should force women to remain pregnant, while only 25% of democrats and 35% of independents thought so.

The poll is interesting, in that surveys about abortion tend to be a lot less black and white about it. But, by only offering two choices -- for or against -- this poll shows which camp people most identify with. And most are Pro-Choice.


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