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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Voting Machines Screw Up All Over The Nation

ACLU's Voter Protection Hotline -- 1-877-523-2792

Things are going about as well as everyone thought they would -- completely FUBAR.

Network World:

Maybe there are reports out there of these screw-ups benefiting Democratic candidates at the expense of their Republican opponents, but I just don’t come across them. From TPM CafĂ©: “My wife just came home from voting here in Webster Groves MO. She used the electronic touch-screen voting system. . . She touched Claire McCaskill's picture and the machine recorded a vote for Jim Talent. She then called one of the people running the polling center who helped her correct the problem. My wife then had to call the person over another time after it recorded her vote a Republican again. In her frustration she asked the person who was responsible for the design of this system. The polling person leaned in very close to my wife and whispered, 'We're f----d.' "

Meanwhile, RNC Chair Ken Mehlman has accused Democrats of voter intimidation in 2004. Weird how that didn't affect the outcome for dems at all, isn't it Ken? And weird how all of the glitches in electronic voting seem to favor Republicans. Isn't that odd?

These guys are completely corrupt. And desperate with good reason -- if dems take the House, a lot of GOPers are going to wind up in prison.


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