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Thursday, December 14, 2006

Estrich: Are Couric's Ratings Bad News for Hillary?

This one's a stretch. Susan Estrich asks at her FOX News blog, "Does Katie Couric's Stumble Signal Hillary Clinton's Fall?" Katie Couric got some pretty good ratings when she took over CBS Evening News, but after the curiousity factor fell off, Couric's switch from the morning happy-news to evening gravitas didn't go over very well. Surely, this means Hillary Clinton can never be president. After all, Katie's a woman, Hillary's a woman -- how much clearer could it be?

You can tell me all the reasons it’s wrong, misguided, and unfair – that Katie is only one woman, what about Diane Sawyer, what about the quality of her show, thank you very much, or experience, and why should all women be judged by her, especially women, of whom there are more than a few, to judge by the ratings, who prefer their news from someone else, who happens to be male, at least – but here’s the kicker.

It doesn’t matter.

Not when the bottom line is: we just aren’t ready for a woman. Then she’s just one of us. Whether she or we asked for it. And failing because of it.

Is it that Couric's a woman and women can't be taken seriously? Or is it that she bears a striking resemblance, both in appearance and demeanor, to a cartoon squirrel? I'm taking door number two. The evening news isn't Sunrise Smiley Talk and that's Couric's strength.

To draw the comparison is crazy. Hillary lived in Arkansas with Bill, Bill became president -- obviously, the nation is ready for presidents from Arkansas. Katie's from Virginia, so -- following the reasoning that any connection at all is meaningful -- her ratings for CBS Evening News puts one more nail in the coffin of George Allen's presidential ambitions.

Katie Couric proves the nation doesn't want a virginian president.

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