So, when I read this article, I wasn't really all that surprised to learn that we have to protect satellites -- way the hell and gone up in orbit -- from terrorists.
Associated Press:
The Bush administration warned Wednesday against threats by terrorist groups and other nations against U.S. commercial and military satellites, and discounted the need for a treaty aimed at preventing an arms race in space.
Undersecretary of State Robert G. Joseph also reasserted U.S. policy that it has a right to use force against hostile nations or terror groups that might try to attack American satellites or ground installations that support space programs. President Bush adopted a new U.S. space policy earlier this year.
"We reserve the right to defend ourselves against hostile attacks and interference with our space assets," Joseph said in prepared remarks to the George C. Marshall Institute.
I've got to keep better track of this stuff. Last I heard, Osama bin Laden was hiding out in caves -- now he's got a space program. Terrornauts will soon float around above the planet, messing with FOX News' broadcast satellite...
Tags: news | politics | military | terrorism | China | Iran | North Korea | propaganda | space | missile defense | bullshit