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Sunday, January 07, 2007

AP Editor Hits Back at Warbloggers

Friday, I wrote about Jamil Hussein, an iraqi police captain that right wing bloggers may have gotten killed and have definitely put in danger. The war bloggers glommed onto a short AP story of an atrocity in Iraq and decided it never happened. They've called AP the "Associated (with terrorists) Press" and thrown around insane allegations.

Now as Associated Press editor is hitting back.

Editor & Publisher:

Associated Press Executive Editor Kathleen Carroll on Friday criticized those who questioned the existence of an AP Iraq source, who was proven this week to be real, saying the scrutiny has now endangered the man's life.

"I never quite understood why people chose to disbelieve us about this particular man on this particular story," Carroll told E&P, referring to Jamil Hussein, an Iraq police captain. "AP runs hundreds of stories a day, and has run thousands of stories about things that have happened in Iraq."

Carroll pointed out that critics should be more concerned with the fact that Hussein could face imprisonment for being a source to journalists than how AP handled the situation. "A man who is a legitimate police official who has talked to journalists is threatened with arrest for doing so," she said. "Doesn't that bother anybody other than me? Officials being threatened with arrest for talking to reporters ought to be of concern."

Apparently not. The warbloggers, led by the pint-sized intellect of Michelle Malkin, seem positively sanguine about it. Those whining that there's no 'good news' being reported in Iraq seem completely fine with the thought that they may be responsible for the arrest of a news source there -- after all, Hussein was handing out bad news. And, by some line of illogic that I won't even try to follow, if we don't get bad news, we'll win in Iraq.

I've pointed out before that Michelle Malkin's thirty-six years old and, if she's hellbent on winning in Iraq, there are a lot more effective weapons than a PC. She can sign up and actually go fight in Iraq.

Of course, that would require her putting her money where her mouth is and her smug ass on the line. So it's never going to happen. The warblogger is a coward pretending bravery by proxy and accusing anyone critical of the war of cowardice. It's a level of hypocrisy that requires complete shamelessness and a certain, undefinable slithery quality.

Of course, right wing bloggers aren't the only voices in this idiot chorus. E&P again:

...Former CNN president Eason Jordan claimed today that Hussein should have stepped forward sooner and asked why AP did not produce him.

"The man is now under the threat of arrest and imprisonment," Carroll said in response to Jordan's comments. "I guess people who ask that are among those who don't believe the AP, and that is certainly their prerogative."

She should've called him what he is -- five gallons of smart in a fifty gallon drum.

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