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Thursday, January 25, 2007

Apparently, All That Energy Stuff was Bunk

In his State of the Union address, President Bush had a lot to say about global warming. He said he wants to reduce raise CAFE standards, work to develop alternative fuels, and reduce gas consumption to 20% by 2017. There's a lot of stuff on the White House website about how he's suddenly so concerned about the environment -- a fact sheet titled Strengthening America's Energy Security and Improving the Environment, a news piece called President Bush Discusses Energy Initiative, the details of the plan he outlined in the SOTU -- Twenty In Ten: Strengthening America's Energy Security. This guys green. Overnight.

But if we head over to the Republican National Committee's website, we find a page titled Action Center - Call Talk Radio, with a list of right wing talk shows good GOPers can all and advocate for Bush's SOTU initiatives. There are even handy talking points.

Not a word about energy or global warming or fuel efficiency. Nothing about alternative fuels or greenhouse gases. Zip. Lot's about tax breaks, though. In fact, they're mentioned twice -- once under the heading 'Jobs & Economy' and again under 'Tax Reform.' It's hard to figure how keeping a tax cut counts as 'reform,' but there ya go.

Bush's sincerity in his new environmentalism is pretty apparent -- he has none.

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