Associated Press:
[Dakota] Fanning is defending her work as well as the movie, and so is the head of Sundance [where the film premiers], who said it was courageous for director Deborah Kampmeier to tackle "challenging material." "Hounddog" is entered in the festival's dramatic category.
"It's not a rape movie," Fanning said Tuesday. "That's not even the point of the film."
The disturbing scene lasts a few minutes but is not graphic. There is no nudity, the scene is very darkly lit and only Fanning's face and hand are shown.
Of course, if that's all there is to it, then there's no problem -- we've seen the same on a movie of the week. That's why Bauer lies about it.
At the urging of her agent and parents, Dakota appeared semi-naked and filmed a simulated child rape scene. Her agent told the New York Daily News that the role in the movie challenged her as an actress, and ''not just the rape scene ... [but] in every scene she gets better and better.'' Her mother insists that her ''gritty performance'' will win her an Oscar.
What a tragedy that this bright, young, 12-year-old girl has been sacrificed to the golden statue of the Academy Awards!
Trust me, the writing doesn't get any better. 'No nudity' becomes 'semi-naked.' If a 'face and hand' showing means you're 'semi-naked,' then you're semi-naked right now, you perv.
He writes about "the sick ideology of Freudian Marxists, radical feminists, homosexual activists, and perverts who believe in the pseudo-scientific evolutionary theory that all children are born with an innate lust for sexual fulfillment" and "politically correct moral degenerates." It's all crap.
But what gets me is his longing for the good old christian Hollywood of the past:
During the Golden Age of Hollywood, the entertainment industry understood the value of a star's reputation. Especially young stars like Shirley Temple and Elizabeth Taylor. Good wholesome young stars were groomed to appear that way in every movie so that they would be seen as celebrities that moviegoers would admire and want to see again and again. Now, Hollywood chews them up and spits them out like the used prostitutes on Hollywood Blvd. in L.A. or the streets of Bangkok. This is reprehensible.

And, in the case of Hounddog, there's a degree of denial. If you pretend it doesn't happen, if the world is only portrayed as a perfect place filled with sunshine and blue birds, then that's the way things are. In the past, people pretended not to know that children were abused -- it wasn't their business. Why anyone would want to return to that is beyond me and anyone would advocate we return to that is demented.
If the fact that child sexual abuse happens bothers Bauer so much, the last thing he should do is wish everyone would sweep it under the rug.
Tags: news | politics | movies | Dr. Ted Bauer | Hounddog | Dakota Fanning