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Thursday, January 11, 2007

Pat Gets Goofy Again

I think those health shakes he sells are bad for your head. Lately, TV evangelist Marion 'Pat' Robertson can't seem to open his mouth without saying something stupid, crazy, or both.

Fresh off his prediction that the US will be hit by a terrorist attack killing millions, Pat's decided to give crazy a break for a while and work on stupid.

Reacting to an AP story that the german population is declining, Pat had this to say:

Right Wing Watch:

In order to have babies, you’ve got to have a hope in the future … If you don’t believe in God, if you have an existential view of life, if this life is all there is, then, as Peggy Lee sang "why don’t we break out the booze and have a ball?" Why do we go to all that trouble? It’s only those with strong religious faith who have children. That’s the truth.

Do you want to tell him that Richard Dawkins has a daughter or should I?

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