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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

White House Doesn't Consider Ted Kennedy a 'Hostile Enemy'

Every time I begin to think that GW might be the squirrelliest person in America, some FOXbot shows up to prove me wrong. The aforementioned FOXbot being Gretchen Carlson in this case. Earlier today, she suggested to White House counselor Dan Bartlett that Sen. Ted Kennedy was one of a group of "hostile enemies right here on the home front" for opposing Bush's 'troop surge.'

FOX transcript courtesy of Think Progress:

GRETCHEN CARLSON: You talk about the hostile enemy, obviously being Iraq, but hostile enemies right here on the home front. Yesterday Senator Ted Kennedy, proposing that any kind of a troop surge should mean there should be congressional approval of that. A lot of democrats not coming to his side on this. But obviously this is not going to be an easy sell on Capitol Hill, even if it's not an easy sell to the American Public.

BARTLETT: We don't view Ted Kennedy as hostile enemy but we do view him to be an open and often critic of the war. He has been from the outset. I don't think that's anything new.

Whew! Good to know Ted's not an enemy combatant. That'd be bad because, here's the thing, 61% of americans oppose escalation.

That'd be a lot of people to stick into Gitmo...

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