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Monday, February 26, 2007

Griper Blade: GOP Would Rather Ignore Iraq than Deal With It

Some of you know I spent the weekend snowed in, so my news consumption has been pretty low. I listened to the radio while I dug, but it was Wisconsin Public Radio. You still get the news, but it was mostly about all the damned snow. I wake up this morning and turn on CNN -- it's all about the Oscars. Normally, I could care less, but I'm glad Al Gore won.

I usually bookmark what I want to write about the night before and the stuff I marked friday night is still pretty fresh. I'm pretty happy the blizzard hit on a weekend, although digging for two days is a lousy way to spend one. I'm still sore and I've got a little cleanup left today -- not even an inch.

Not a lot has moved on my story since friday, it being a weekend. And it being Oscar weekend, I don't think many wanted to move on it and get overlooked in the news. Here we go:

Associated Press:

Brushing aside criticism from the White House, Senate Democrats said Friday their next challenge to President Bush's Iraq war policy would require the gradual withdrawal of U.S. combat troops beginning within 120 days.

The draft legislation also declares the war ''requires principally a political solution'' rather than a military one.

The provisions are included in a measure that would repeal the authority that lawmakers gave Bush in 2002, months before the invasion of Iraq, and replace it with a far more limited mission.

If they couldn't get the non-binding resolution through, this isn't going anywhere either. Republicans seem intent on avoiding debate on the war. You can't blame them, really. It's such a political loser. An AP-Ipsos poll finds that 63% oppose Bush's surge, 61% think invading Iraq was a mistake, 77% call the number of US casualties 'unacceptable' and an identical percentage say the same about iraqi civilian casualties. 56% call the war 'hopeless.' If there's a perfect way to describe these results, it's that opinion regarding the war in Iraq is overwhelmingly negative.

So the GOP doesn't even want to talk about it, much less vote on it...


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