Not a fuel additive
-"Well, this here's your problem"-
A couple pulled into a St. Paul, MN Midas shop complaining about fuel problems. The mechanic found 150 pounds of marijuana in the gas tank. Police were called, charges were made. No word on whether the internal combustion engine was explained. (AP)
-Maybe she's a quick study-
Britney Spears is out of rehab again. I think she may have commitment issues. (AP)
-Dick's been hitting the sake-
Dick Cheney in Japan on withdrawal from Iraq; "The American people will not support a policy of retreat." Same article; "A majority of Americans want a timetable to withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq by the end of next year, with 63 percent favoring a pullout by 2009, a USA Today/Gallup poll of 1,006 adults from Feb. 9-11 found." Really has his finger on the pulse of the nation. (Bloomberg)
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