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Thursday, March 08, 2007

The Stuff I Didn't Get To -- 3/8/07

Typical young drinker (left) throws down gang signs

-Police may be underpaid, but not that underpaid-
When an Iowa City, IA teen was arrested for underage drinking, she had a plan. Amber Breanne Gordon, 19, offered the arresting officer $17 to let her off with a warning. Gordon is charged with bribery, possession of alcohol while under the legal age and unlawful use of a driver's license/aiding and abetting. Maybe next time she'll up it to $20. (San Francisco Gate)

-Reddit gets all impeachy-
Network World has a whiny article by Paul McNamara on how the social bookmarking site Reddit 'needs to tame this mob - and quickly.' What mob is that? "As of 5 a.m. this morning [3/8/07], 14 of the top 15 items on Reddit - as voted by the Reddit community - involved the various calls to impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney." Gotta nip that in the bud! McNamara's argument for how Reddit has been overrun with impeachment-crazed liberals has one little snag, however - as of 3:15 PM (when I checked), his article was number one on Reddit. Looks like social bookmarking is as organic as it ever was.

So why would Reddit get all impeachy that day? Two words, 'Scooter Libby.' You should've seen the front page the day after Anna Nicole Smith died. That's just how user selected news works. (Network World)

-In related news-
Reddit headline (#24 when I last checked, but higher last night); "Can you guys hurry up and impeach Bush already so we can get back to pretty photos, arguments over LISP and talking about how much we hate digg?" The link goes to a flickr search for 'kittens'. Aaww... (Reddit)

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Tyrone Ferrara said...

Revelation 13:5 - Are we in this 42 month period?

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