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Friday, March 09, 2007

The Stuff I Didn't Get To -- 3/9/07

Syndicated Columnist Ann Coulter

-Future question: "Ann who?"-
Ann Coulter's swift slide into obscurity continues as two more newspapers drop her column over her 'faggot' comment. The Times of Shreveport and the American Press in Lake Charles -- both of Louisiana -- have dropped her from their editorial pages. "It is her recent 'joke' about John Edwards being considered a 'faggot' that is the back-breaking straw for a decision we've openly discussed for some time," Times editors wrote. That makes five papers and who knows how many advertisers -- so far. (Editor & Publisher)

-CNN goes out on a limb-
Reporting that's absolutely guaranteed to be accurate.


-How to remove bad vibes-
Mayan priests in Guatemala City, Guatemala plan to purify a holy site after President Bush visits. "That a person like (Bush), with the persecution of our migrant brothers in the United States, with the wars he has provoked, is going to walk in our sacred lands, is an offense for the Mayan people and their culture," Juan Tiney, a spokesperson for an organization close to the priests said. No word on whether they've been contacted to perform a similar service at the White House in 2009. (AP)

-Longstanding typo-
THE STORY: The city of Hagerstown, MD corrected a spelling error on a sign in their town that pointed drivers to the "Municpal Stadium." WHY IT'S FUNNY: The sign is over 20 years old. EXTRA FUNNY: The story making fun of this typo contains a sentence that reads, "The sign was first placed at the corner of Frederick Street and East Memorial Boulevard in the mid to late 1908s..." They've got plenty of time to correct the story. (iwon News)

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