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Thursday, April 26, 2007

Both Houses of Congress Do the Moral Thing

Bring on the veto.


In an unprecedented slap at President George W. Bush's war policy, the U.S. Congress on Thursday approved legislation that links withdrawal of combat troops to paying for the war, ensuring a certain veto.

Nonetheless, by a vote of 51-46, the Senate joined the House of Representatives in backing the hotly contested bill that would provide about $100 billion for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan this year while setting a deadline to withdraw U.S. forces over the next 11 months.

It was the first time the Congress, controlled by Democrats since January, defied the president in more than four years since the conflict began.

Bush has promised to veto the bill, effectively rejecting funding for his own war. Polls show that the public is on the side of Congress here and Bush is forcing Republicans to vote to sustain a veto -- a vote that's guaranteed to come back and haunt them later.

This 'Karl Rove's a genius' thing is being sent to its grave.

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