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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Griper Blade: Right Wing Front Group Evaporates

Evanescence isn't just the name of a band. It also means to fade away, to evaporate like alcohol in the sun. The word is extremely useful in describing the American Center for Voting Rights, a right wing group dedicated to identifying widespread voter fraud and suppression -- that is, voter fraud and suppression by Democrats. Republican ballot box machanations were completely uninteresting to these guys.

I said 'were' because ACVR has evanesced into the atmosphere.

Richard L. Hasen, Slate:

...With no notice and little comment, ACVR -- the only prominent nongovernmental organization claiming that voter fraud is a major problem, a problem warranting strict rules such as voter-ID laws -- simply stopped appearing at government panels and conferences. Its Web domain name has suddenly expired, its reports are all gone (except where they have been preserved by its opponents), and its general counsel, Mark "Thor" Hearne, has cleansed his resume of affiliation with the group. Hearne won't speak to the press about ACVR's demise. No other group has taken up the "voter fraud" mantra.

This ties in well with my last post, which had the US Attorney's Office investigating voter fraud not only where it wasn't, but where only a lunatic would believe it would be...


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