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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Griper Blade: Who's Afraid of Ahmadinejad?

AhmadinejadMove over

That organization's ad questioning whether Gen. Petraeus might "betray us" was once the worst thing to happen in human history. But history has a way of marching on and what was an unimaginable outrage one week becomes overshadowed by outrages the next.

So, the worst thing that ever happened in human history is now Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's appearance at Columbia University. Ask the reliably histrionic Newt Gingrich.

"I think it is an outrage against civilization for Columbia University to lend its prestige and its status to a man -- to a dictator... I think that Columbia University is being very foolish to allow that kind of person to have a venue like an American university," Gingrich said. "And I do not believe that that is an appropriate invitation."

Never mind that Ahmadinejad's experience at the school was hardly pleasant or welcoming, that questions were posed to him that he'd never have had to answer (and that no one would've dared ask) in his own country, or that he generally came off as a ridiculous boob. Asked a question about his country's oppression of gays, Ahmadinejad denied that there were gays in Iran -- an incredible claim that drew hoots and ridicule from the audience.

Apparently, being shown up as a posturing ass, an intellectual lightweight, and the aforementioned ridiculous boob in front of the whole world (cable networks carried the appearance live) is a bad thing -- for America, not Ahmadinejad. I'm not really sure I'm following the reasoning here...


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