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Friday, November 16, 2007

Griper Blade: A One-Sided "War"

POSTER: 'Crush a creche! Keep America FREE from a religious Christmas this year. It's up to YOU!'

In my experience, you can divide Christians into two camps, those who live their faith with quiet dignity and humility and those who are total dicks about it. Guess which group we'll be talking about today?

Let me give you a hint -- Bill O'Reilly, FOX News, Jerry Falwell, and a whole slew of right wing nutjobs.

Yeah, it's about the dicks.

FOX News blowhard Bill O'Reilly has fired the first shot in the "War on Christmas," a seasonal PR stunt the religious right pulls every year to convince Christians that they're being oppressed in America. See, Christmas is under attack by "secular progressives." That's why, when you go to the mall, there aren't any Christmas decorations, no department store Santas, and no "Carol of the Bells" playing over and over and over and over and over on the Muzak speakers that seem to even be in the bathrooms. It's why there are no Christmas specials on TV and no Christmas movies at the theaters. It's why you have to go to special Christian stores to by Christmas wrapping paper and ornaments and trees and big inflatable snowmen...


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