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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Griper Blade: Iraq: As Free as They're Allowed to be

You ever notice that what George W. Bush says and what George W. Bush does are two different animals? It's often the case that what the man says makes a lot of good sense and in those cases it's an absolutely lead pipe cinch that he's doing the exact opposite. There are two Dubyas -- the guy he wants you to believe he is and the guy he is.

The guy he wants you to believe he is is a guy interested in justice and freedom and the rights of man. The guy he is isn't. It was the guy he wants you to believe he is who addressed World Economic Forum in Sharm Al Sheikh, Egypt.

New York Times:

After basking in a showy celebration of America’s close ties with Israel, President Bush criticized other Middle East leaders on Sunday, prodding them to expand their economies, offer equal opportunity to women and embrace democracy if they want peace to become reality.

"Too often in the Middle East, politics has consisted of one leader in power and the opposition in jail," Bush told the assembled wealthy. "The time has come for nations across the Middle East to abandon these practices and treat their people with the dignity and respect they deserve."

Pretty words made meaningless by Bush's actions in Iraq...


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