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Monday, May 05, 2008

Griper Blade: Who Did Rev. Wright Ever Torture?

Quick, which candidate for president has the biggest problem with an association to an out of control nutjob? Which candidate is joined at the hip with a lunatic who's words and deeds deeply trouble -- and even frighten -- American voters?

Its pretty safe to say that you didn't guess correctly. Network news has Obama's guilt by association story in such heavy rotation that the Rev. Jeremiah Wright is on more often than the weather report. Yet an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll shows that John McCain's ties to Bush are much more troubling to voters than Obama's ties to Wright.

poll graphic

McCain's ties to George W. Bush are 11% more terrifying than Obama's ties to Wright. The hidden news story here is that we're not half as ignorant as the networks and the pundits think we are. And this isn't for lack of trying on the media's part. Networks -- including that same NBC and MSNBC -- look at this data and conclude that Wright's the big story. Yet we're shown that in terms of voter's "major concerns," the data shows that it's McCain's connection to Bush first. Obama/Wright comes after that (43%) and after Clinton's changes in position (36%) and after Obama being "out of touch" (34%). Wright comes in fourth at 32%. In fact, since the margin of error is about 3%, concerns over Wright are in statistical ties with McCain's flip-flops and Clinton's honesty -- dead last at 31%.

In other words, you could just as easily say that the polling shows that Wright is one of the things voters are least concerned about...


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