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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Griper Blade: Hillary's Math Problem

The candidate stood in front of a backdrop of smiling supporters, as candidates always do. One supporter waved a sign that read "COUNT EVERY VOTE," while Hillary Clinton advanced an argument that doesn't count every vote. "I believe that with your help we will send a message to this country because right now more people have voted for me than have voted for my opponent,” Clinton said. “More people have voted for me than for anybody ever running for president before."

Hillary Clinton and her surrogates have been arguing that she's won the popular vote. But the equation it takes to reach sum takes a detour through BS land. Clinton is including Michigan, where Barack Obama wasn't on the ballot, and discounting caucus states that haven't officially released their numbers. So, if you count the elections that don't count and discount a few that do, Hillary Clinton has a whopping 26,000 vote lead. With 33 million votes cast, that's less than 0.0008% -- a figure known among math wizards as "nuthin'."

ABC News' Jake Tapper takes on Clinton popular vote argument and concludes it's mathematically challenged. "One problem with these claims," Tapper writes, "they don't appear to be true."...


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