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Sunday, May 25, 2008

Terrorist Racheal: America's Crisis Continues!

First, the news came out that Food Network's Racheal Ray was a terrorist, wearing a keffiyeh around her neck to show her solidarity with Palestinian terr'ists -- in a Dunkin' Donuts ad.


Then Michelle Malkin announced she was considering a donut boycott.

Now, Dunkin' Donuts is covering up for Racheal's sympathy for evildoers. But sharp wingnut Jon at Exurban League isn't buying it:
clipped from
UPDATE #2 (5:43 pm): Dunkin' Donuts' Customer Service department has responded to our post as follows:

Thank you for taking the time voice your concerns about the Dunkin’
Donuts Rachael Ray advertisement. In the ad that you reference, Rachael
is wearing a black-and-white silk scarf with a paisley design purchased
at a U.S. retail store and selected by her stylist for the advertising
shoot. This is not a 'kaffiyeh', which is typically a checkered and
cotton/wool fabric.

While I appreciate their comment, according to the New York Times, this is a kaffiyeh and similar designs have drawn controversy as well. As mentioned in my first update, I'm fairly confident neither Ray nor DD was aware of the loaded symbolism. However, ignorance is hardly a redeeming quality for ad agency executives. They might want to eliminate that scarf ASAP so their intent won't be so easily mistaken.
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