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Tuesday, June 03, 2008

May Most Violent Month in Afghanistan Since 2001

clipped from

McClatchy reports that according to “an insightful analysis” by former Joint Chiefs of Staff senior intelligence officer John McCreary, “May saw more violence than any other month since the 2001 U.S. intervention that toppled the Taliban and forced Osama bin Laden and his followers to flee into Pakistan.” From McCreary’s analysis:

April featured 199 violent incidents in 86 districts, making it the most lethal April in the six year conflict. May featured 214 incidents of violence in over 100 districts, also a new six-year total for May and the highest single monthly total. Despite official efforts to spotlight improvement, the spring offensive thus far is worse than last year’s spring offensive. The security situation has deteriorated again.

Sometimes, people forget we're fighting a war other than Iraq. It's not going well...

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