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Monday, June 30, 2008

Obama Snubs DLC

clipped from

It helped launch the last Democratic president and has pushed and prodded every Democratic candidate since Bill Clinton to adopt its centrist positions on issues from budget discipline to welfare.

But when the Democratic Leadership Council met over the weekend in the shadow of Barack Obama's Chicago headquarters, he didn't bother to stop by.

Is it losing its clout? Its members hope not, sidestepping Obama's refusal to see them and politely urging him to consider their approaches.

"We asked him," said Al From, the founder of the group. "I hope he'll listen to some of the ideas we've talked about."

He skipped out last year, too. While the article describes the DLC as "centrist," the truth is that they're committed to dragging the party right. A former Chair of the DLC is Joe Liberman, which ought to give you a clue as to how "centrist" they are.

Good on him for blowing them off. It's home to the conservative and the overly-cautious. Bill Clinton's "triangulation" is a good example of DLC philosophy -- pre-emptive capitulation. Think the current Congress blows?

Thank the DLC.

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