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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Democrats Have '08 Advantage

Big time.

McClatchy's "Hot Off the Trail" blog reports that this year has all the hallmarks of another '06. Republicans who don't curse the names Bush and Cheney are pretty much clueless. They've destroyed their party for at least two cycles, if not much, much longer.

It's a party in political rehab.

Democrats will begin their convention with the public viewing them far more favorably than four years ago.

A Pew Research Center survey released Friday found Democrats lead Republicans, 51-38 percent, among registered voters when independents who lean to one party or the other is included. That's up from the Democrats' 47-44 advantage in 2004.

A big reason: Younger voters.

Eighteen to 29 year olds favored Democrats by a 10 percentage point bulge four years ago, but by 22 percentage points now.

Democrats have also gained among middle income voters, or those with household incomes between $30,000 and $75,000

The complete data:

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