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Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain and Palin Barely Know Each Other

clipped from

Nothing undersocres the riskiness of Sen. John McCain's pick of a running mate than this fact: "In an interview with Roll Call two weeks ago, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) said she had met presumptive GOP presidential nominee Sen. John McCain only once or twice."

According to Politico, McCain "spoke with just once on the phone" with Palin "about the position before offering it in person earlier this week."

Dan Gerstein sums up McCain's gamble: "He's betting his presidency on a naked political play for holdout Hillary supporters and other female swing voters - and hoping that a large share of these predominantly pro-choice women will ignore or overlook Palin's staunch pro-life, anti-stem cell views."
Gotta love Political Wire. Teagan Goddard always catches stuff like this.

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