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Thursday, September 18, 2008

$85 bil. for Wall St., No Ice for Hurricane Survivors

clipped from

Hurricane survivors are being put at risk in Texas and other hot weather states because the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is no longer providing ice in relief situations, say watchdogs, relief workers and local leaders in Hurricane Alley.

"It's frustrating that the government can deliver $85 billion to bail out AIG, and they can't deliver ice in Texas," said Ben Smilowitz, executive director of the Disaster Accountability Project (DAP), a nonpartisan organization that monitors the nation's disaster response system.

Besides preserving food when electricity is out, ice is essential in maintaining temperature-sensitive medication and feeding formulas and keeping people cool in the aftermath of disaster, relief and support workers say.
Hey, the feds have their priorities. They've been busy making sure that profit stays private, while loss is socialized -- just not all loss. If some Bushie had money invested in your health, that'd be a different story.

It's the ownership society, people. If you've got trouble, you're on your own. We are most definitely not all in this together. Unless you're one of the guys in the corner offices in huge glass towers, you ain't squat.

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