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Monday, September 15, 2008

Blowback Over McCain Campaign of Lies Growing

clipped from

Republicans John McCain and Sarah Palin stand accused Monday of trying to "lie" their way into the White House with discredited claims and advertising -- and it's not just outgunned Democrats crying foul.

Non-partisan fact-check operations, newspapers and opinion columnists are also charging McCain, once a darling of the press, of cloaking the election in sleaze and unfairly smearing Democrat Barack Obama.

Campaigns and experts usually steer clear of blatantly accusing a candidate of lying, but the term is being bandied about following McCain's latest hard-hitting assault on Obama's character and defense of Palin's record.
Ironically, McCain was a victim of such treatment, bowed out embittered by the 2000 primary campaign against Bush and apparently not willing to take the high road again.

McCain himself denied on Friday that his attacks were rooted in untruth.

"Actually, they are not lies," McCain said on the ABC show "The View."

"This is a tough campaign."

It's usually the case that the media goes with "telling both sides of the story" reporting that doesn't bother to separate the truth from the fiction. But McCain's lying is so over the top, so constant, and so shameless, that it's become a story in itself that can't be ignored.

And you can't report that story without reporting the lies. Bad day for John McCain.

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