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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Griper Blade: The Fightingest Fighter Who Ever Fought a Fighting Fight

Yesterday on National Public Radio, John McCain campaign advisor Steven Schmidt explained what the candidate's problem was. "With the financial crisis, we have fallen slightly behind in this race, and we have some ground to make up," he said.

With Obama leading by a significant margin in every major poll, McCain is slightly behind in the same way that a motorcycle burns slightly less gas than an SUV. It's a little bit of an understatement.

In his defense, Schmidt's boss was a little more wide of the mark yesterday with a speech detailing how he plans to make his big comeback. It's not in the transcript, but McCain began his big comeback speech with "We’ve got them just where we want them." Schmidt's understatement seems fairly reasonable in comparison.

Writes Justin Gardner of Donklephant, "Yeah, I’m sure it was the plan all along to be 10 points behind in the national polling and on the cusp of an Obama landslide in the state polling."

What we learned about McCain's new strategy and his plans for his presidency is that he'll fight. Fight, fight, fight. Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight. He's a fighter who'll fight the fightingest fighter with a fightburger and a side of fight.

"[D]oes anybody else remember somebody saying she was a 'fighter'?" Gardner asks. "Of course at that time it meant Hillary could beat McCain in the election. So what does 'fight' mean in this context? That he’s going to fight the banks back into liquidity? That he’s going to fight Iran into accepting our terms?"...


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