"It's a resolution of reconciliation and not retribution...I appreciate it," Joementum is reported as saying.
For those of you keeping track of these sorts of things, the Democratic congressional leadership has established that nothing you do, no matter how shitty and disloyal, will get you kicked out of the party. From the same leadership who established the principle that there's no such thing as an impeachable offense, this shouldn't come as a surprise.
Seems bass-ackward to me, though -- he loses the seat where he was doing good work and keeps the position where he can do the most harm. This stands a good chance of biting us all in the ass down the road.
For those of you keeping track of these sorts of things, the Democratic congressional leadership has established that nothing you do, no matter how shitty and disloyal, will get you kicked out of the party. From the same leadership who established the principle that there's no such thing as an impeachable offense, this shouldn't come as a surprise.
Seems bass-ackward to me, though -- he loses the seat where he was doing good work and keeps the position where he can do the most harm. This stands a good chance of biting us all in the ass down the road.