Politico's Michael Calderone exhibits symptoms of amnesia when he asks, "What if Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh were up front at Bush's press conferences in the East Room?"
They may not have been, but only because the Bush admin. hired a hooker to lob softball questions to the president.
Not that right wing radio hosts didn't get their own presidential moments -- just not at press conferences. They got their's in private face-to-face meetings that Calderone seems to have completely forgotten about.
On The Flintstones, when Fred had amnesia, a second knock on the head brought him out of it. Someone give Mike a good whack, maybe that'll work.
They may not have been, but only because the Bush admin. hired a hooker to lob softball questions to the president.
Not that right wing radio hosts didn't get their own presidential moments -- just not at press conferences. They got their's in private face-to-face meetings that Calderone seems to have completely forgotten about.
On The Flintstones, when Fred had amnesia, a second knock on the head brought him out of it. Someone give Mike a good whack, maybe that'll work.