Apparently, the only reason Sen. Richard Shelby hasn't seen Obama's birth certificate is because someone hasn't grabbed him by the back of his empty head and forced him to look at it. It's been all over online for months and months now.
Hey Alabama, you're represented by the biggest goddam gullible fool in the entire Senate -- and not just because Larry Craig is gone.
Hey Alabama, you're represented by the biggest goddam gullible fool in the entire Senate -- and not just because Larry Craig is gone.
The Birth Certificate out there has no signature.
This Barack Obama issue is deeper than eligibility; forgery and conspiracy evidence to deceive the voters for the purpose of gaining control of the government by deceit will likely be the charges that ultimately bring him down.
I sent a letter to the US Attorney and others, drafted like a court proceeding in that all the evidence for one charge is grouped together so a determination can be made on that, then I went to another. That is on my website at:
At http://obama-birth-cert-forged-sss-impeach.blogspot.com
there is one post of my full letter with laws and sources separated in it, and 3 separate posts have the sources within the evidence and the laws as they pertain to the evidence,
one of the posts has Only Charges and Removal Plea,
one has Only SSS, RIMS History, and USPS date stamp Forgery Evidences,
and one has Only COLB-birth certificate forgery evidences.
Changes in the official paper work made it obvious Barack Obama created the papers in 2008 and made it look like 1980 etc.
Feel free to copy it and send it or refer to it. It gives the people enough information to determine if he is guilty of forgery of his COLB (Birth Certificate) and his SSS Registration. That makes it not so much a question of is he eligible, but did he commit a crime to hide and forge his documents? In addition, after all the hard work of lawsuits by other people, the fact that he spent over $800,00 to hide his identity witnesses against him that he certainly thinks he has something to hide and would not be in office if the truth were out.. This should lead to a swift removal if the people multiply it to world leaders and our leaders and media. Flood the land with truth as they flooded it with lies.
A number of self-proclaimed experts immediately seized the opportunity to pronounce the certificate a forgery (even though none of them had actually seen the original, just a scanned image of it), picking on such specious details as minor variations from other Hawaii-issued certificates and the lack of an embossed seal
and signature. (Some forgery claimants even maintained that the certificate was actually an altered version of one issued to Barack Obama's half-sister, Maya.)
Aside from the inherent absurdity of such claims (i.e., that a major party presidential nominee would risk his entire candidacy on a fraud that could be uncovered simply by a check of state health records), the supposedly incriminating details don't pan out: the certificate is consistent with others issued in the same time and place, and the embossed seal and signature don't show through very well on the scanned front image made available on the Internet because they were applied to the back of the original document, not the front. Those who have actually touched and examined the original certificate have verified and documented that it bears all the elements of a valid certificate of live birth.
Not that that will persuade anyone so wedded to delusion. You're going to stay crazy, because you like crazy.
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