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Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Coleman Calls for Election Results to be 'Set Aside'

clipped from
If at first you don't succeed, change the rules.

That's the approach of would-be incumbent Minnesota Republican senator Norm Coleman, who has now called for recent Senate election results to be "set aside."

Coleman has been deadlocked in a recount with Democratic challenger and comedian Al Franken, who until recently was the host of a nationally syndicated talk show. Franken and Coleman's lawyers have repeatedly tangled over how the recount should be held and which votes should be counted. Increasingly byzantine, even veteran political observers have given up trying to follow the case. Many believe Franken will eventually prevail.

Apparently frustrated that his election has not been won in court, Coleman lawyer Jim Langdon wrote a three-judge panel overseeing the case that the situation was simply so dire that the election results should be forgotten.
The piece goes on:

"Some courts have held that when the number of illegal votes exceeds the margin between the candidates -- and it cannot be determined for which candidate those illegal votes were cast -- the most appropriate remedy is to set aside the election," Langdon wrote, according to the Minneapolis Star Tribune.
Unfortunately for Coleman, he has absolutely no evidence that "the number of illegal votes exceeds the margin between the candidates." This is just part of the Republican strategy of keeping Franken out of his senate seat for as long as possible. The one vote is damned important, as the stimulus fight demonstrated.

Expect this to be laughed out of court.

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