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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Griper Blade: Blue Dog Fools

Compare and contrast. Example #1., former President Bush videotapes one of "two touching tributes to the military men and women serving in the Middle East" for -- and I'm not making this up -- WWE Monday Night Raw, a professional wrestling event. A Kansas City journalist, Peter Rugg, blogs about the experience (thanks to Think Progress for the link).

The mere sight of Bush elicited thunderous boos -- even more jeering than the maniacal [WWE Wrestler] Randy Orton, who dropped Triple H's wife, Stephanie, on her head and kissed her while a handcuffed Triple H could only watch. Then Orton hit him with a sledgehammer. I’m going to repeat that again, just to be clear: To wrestling fans, George W. Bush is worse than a sledgehammer molester.

I'm not going to pretend that professional wrestling fans are a demographic I know a lot about, but you'd imagine the "hit him with a chair!" crowd aren't especially liberal. It's anectdotal, sure, but clearly indicative of something. Maybe something like this:

Bush approval graph

That's George W. Bush's career approval ratings, according to Gallup. That big bump was 9/11, then a fairly steady decline to the point where he gets booed at WWE events. A couple two-three smaller bumps along the way (including the 2004 election), but otherwise it's smooth sailing straight to the bottom. Bush got booed because everyone knows Bush sucked... [CLICK TO READ FULL POST]

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