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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

In Interview, RNC Head Steele Embraces Sanity

clipped from

In an interview with GQ, RNC Chairman Michael Steele made some statements that will likely be controversial with many of his Republican constituents.

On if women have the right to choose an abortion: "Yeah. I mean, again, I think that's an individual choice."

On whether homosexuality is a choice: "Oh, no. I don't think I've ever really subscribed to that view, that you can turn it on and off like a water tap. Um, you know, I think that there's a whole lot that goes into the
makeup of an individual that, uh, you just can't simply say, oh, like, 'Tomorrow morning I'm gonna stop being gay.' It's like saying, 'Tomorrow morning I'm gonna stop being black.'"
Only in the GOP would not being crazy be a handicap, but this can't help Steele any. There's already talk of a no-confidence vote for kissing Rush Limbaugh's butt, among other things (that's a no-win, he would've gotten just as much flack for not doing it), and now he's setting himself up for accusations of not being crazy enough for the base.

It's nice to see a Republican acknowledge that certain truths exist, regardless of how the Republican party feels about those truths, but this embrace of reality isn't going to score him any points in the party.

Expect a "clarification" in the near future.

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