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Friday, April 10, 2009

Griper Blade: How to Buy $22,000 for a Buck

If we cut the defense budget, we're doomed. It's just that simple. Foolishly, President Barack Obama and Defense Secretary Robert Gates want to cut the military to the bone, leaving our troops in the field starving and naked, armed only with rocks and sticks. Luckily, we have FOX News' Sean Hannity to warn us of our impending destruction.

This has been, in my view, a very dangerous week for this country -- and I'm being serious. When we have Democrats kissing up to a brutal, murdering dictator by the name of Fidel Castro -- we just played that tape for you just moments ago -- we're going to meet with now Iran without preconditions; we have missiles fired off over North Korea, and the president says they broke the rules, we're going to go back to the UN, and he's going to cut, not only missile defense, but our defenses dramatically.

I'm thinking they don't understand the nature of the last 100 years in human history and how many 100-plus million people died under dictatorial regimes. Am I wrong?

It's a stupid question; if you're Sean Hannity, of course you're wrong. It's his job to be wrong -- he's a professional BS artist. In reporting on the proposed "cuts" to the defense budget on April 6, CNN told us, "The proposed overall fiscal year 2010 Defense Department budget is almost $534 billion, or nearly $664 billion when including the costs of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. The current Pentagon budget totals slightly over $513 billion, or almost $655 billion including the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts."

Quick pointer here, Hannity -- $664 billion is more than $655 billion. "Cut" is really the wrong word to use here. And is missile defense the answer to North Korea's repeatedly failed missile launches? Not if you ask the Union of Concerned Scientists. As I've reported before, the only purpose of missile defense is to waste money -- it doesn't work and there's no reason to believe it'll ever work. All it does is make stupid amounts of money for military contractors... [CLICK TO READ FULL POST]

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