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Saturday, May 02, 2009

GOP Response to Weekly Address Not Actually a Response

Did anyone else out there notice that the GOP "response" to President Obama's weekly address was seriously off-topic?

The Hill:

President Obama sought to assure the nation on Saturday that his administration is taking every step available to combat the recent outbreak of the H1N1 virus.

In his weekly radio and Internet address, Obama carefully discussed the steps his administration is taking to combat the virus. There are now 615 cases of the "swine flu" in 15 counties, according to the World Health Organization.

"It is my greatest hope and prayer that all of these precautions and preparations prove unnecessary," Obama said. "But because we have it within our power to limit the potential damage of this virus, we have a solemn and urgent responsibility to take the necessary steps."

Over at The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, we get the report on the Republican response:

Jenkins, delivering the GOP response to President Obama's weekly radio and internet address, touted her economic credentials as Kansas state treasurer before being elected to Congress last year.

In particular, Jenkins said taxpayer funds were being wasted by the president's $787 billion economic stimulus bill.

"Well, in the last few weeks, we've heard about plenty of 'stimulus' waste," she said. "Taxpayer dollars earmarked for a homeless program in a town with no homeless problem. Millions to extend an 'Artwalk' in New York. And more than a million dollars for sidewalks and trash cans outside a casino in Michigan."

"This bill was supposed to be about jobs, but it's gone off the rails in practically no time at all and millions of your tax dollars are being wasted," she said. "It's quickly turning into a symbol of everything wrong with Washington, D.C. -- unchecked spending, no accountability and oversight, and more and more debt piled onto our children and grandchildren."

Allow me to demonstrate the problem here.

Q: What should we do about the swine flu outbreak?

A: Your budget spends too much money!

Good luck losing that obsructionist label that way.

"[W]e are ready to work in a bipartisan way on real solutions to create jobs, rebuild your savings, and get our economy moving again," Jenkins said.

Then do it already.

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