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Friday, June 05, 2009

Griper Blade: Dancing on the Line Between Free Speech and Crime

Bill O'Reilly admires himself in a mirror
I wasn't going to comment on Bill O'Reilly's reaction to the murder of Dr. George Tiller. Keith Olbermann is right to call him "Bill-O the Clown." O'Reilly's just a self-important blowhard idiot with a tremendous ego, a braying ass who freaks out over made-up non-issues like his childish "War on Christmas," where saying "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" is just the worst possible insult to the Christian faith. He's impossible to take seriously. Sure, he's got a top-rated cable news talk show, but that's a case of being big fish in a very small pond. In terms of market share, O'Reilly probably gets his ass kicked nightly by reruns of Everyone Loves Raymond on TBS. Why anyone takes him seriously is beyond me.

But someone does, obviously. Otherwise he wouldn't have that top-rated cable news talk show. Apparently, there's no shortage of idiots out there who believe that an invented "War on Christmas" is the worst thing ever, rather than the ridiculous annual ratings-grab it obviously is.

So, as I said, I wasn't going to comment on Bill O'Reilly and George Tiller. There's no shortage of blogs out there doing the same thing and no reason to jump on that bandwagon. For the most part, I save O'Reilly stories for the roundups, because the only thing he deserves is ridicule.

But then I came across a story at the Southern Poverty Law Center's blog, Hatewatch. It turns out there's a line that broadcasters can't cross... [CLICK TO READ FULL POST]

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