I think I can explain this to those who actually don't understand it. Remember how the Department of Homeland Security said that we should probably start thinking about how dangerous Islamic extremists are? Of course, after that, the Muslim community totally freaked out. They showed up at big rallies nationwide with signs and t-shirts that read "Proud to be an Islamic extremist" and "Islamic extremist right here." Talking heads went on cable and complained that, as Muslims, they were being targeted by the government. They made a big stink, poo-pooed the whole idea that Muslims could possibly be terrorists -- despite all the evidence to the contrary -- and played the victim card again and again in order to gain political advantage.
Remember that?
Yeah, that's because it didn't happen. This was what happened:
What really happened was that DHS wrote a draft report saying that right wing extremists -- like the guys who shot Tiller and Johns -- are probably worth a little look-see. The reaction from many Republicans and conservatives was feigned offense -- from the more stupid and gullible it was actual offense. They were all "right wing extremists" and saying they were capable of terrorism was the worst thing ever... [CLICK TO READ FULL POST]
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