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Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Griper Blade: The Bad Neighbors

Suppose you just moved into a neighborhood. You decide to throw a party and you invite your neighbors from next door. They get drunk, pee in your potted plants, chase your dog away, call you names, and hit on your wife. Here's the question; are you going to invite them back?

I'm willing to bet your answer is no. Those people are freakin' nuts and the last time you tried to get together with them, it turned out to be a big disaster. You're not sure what that smell is, but you doubt you're ever getting it out of your couch. This is the position Barack Obama finds himself in with Republicans. His big "post-partisan" neighborhood get-together didn't work out the way he thought it would -- mostly because some of the people in the neighborhood are dicks.

Yet, in a Washington Post piece about how Obama's going to have to reconcile the diversity within his own party, Greg Sargent found this nugget:

Eric Cantor...GOP leaders complain that the phone calls and White House invitations have slacked off -- perhaps because Obama's early efforts to woo Republicans yielded few votes.

"I think that in the beginning they seemed a lot more willing to go in and engage with us," said House Minority Whip Eric Cantor.

"I asked Cantor spokesperson Joe Pounder if this was the real view of House GOP leaders," Sargent reports. "He argued that while Obama engaged at the outset -- watching the Super Bowl with GOPs, for instance -- there were now multiple cases where Republicans had been snubbed."

Imagine that... [CLICK TO READ FULL POST]

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