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Thursday, July 02, 2009

Griper Blade: If You Publicly Wish for a Terrorist Attack, Your Wish May Come True

Protest sign reading 'Obama: The New Face of Hitler'The country has moved away from it's core values. There's a commie in the White House who loves terrorists (and may not even be a citizen) and our first response to riots in the streets in Tehran wasn't naked belligerence. Democrats control both chambers of congress and are set on socializing the health care system, handing out your tax dollars to the undeserving, and enshrining abortion and homosexuality as respected institutions. Only one man can save us. Only one person has the wherewithal to drag America back to its true path. Only one individual can wake America up from this socialist nightmare.

And that man is Osama Bin Laden.

On Tuesday, Glenn Beck had the former head of the CIA's Bin Laden unit, Michael Scheuer, on as a guest and that was his assessment of our chances. We can only be saved from the loonie leftists by Bin Laden. We need a spectacular terrorist attack and the bigger the death toll, the better.

BECK: Do you really, honestly believe that we have come to a place to where those very senior people in the highest offices of the land, Congress and the White House, really will not do the right thing in the end, that they won't see the error of their ways?

SCHEUER: No, sir, they will not. Not -- the only chance we have as a country right now is for Osama bin Laden to deploy and detonate a major weapon in the United States. Because it's going to take a grassroots, bottom-up pressure, because these politicians prize their office, prize the praise of the media and the Europeans. Only -- it's an absurd situation. Again, only Osama can execute an attack which will force Americans to demand that their government protect them effectively, consistently, and with as much violence as necessary.

Help us Obi-Wan, you're our only hope.

Somewhere along the line, Obama got it into his fool head that torture is bad. He decided that operating a concentration camp at Guantanamo Bay was illegal. He decided to talk to Muslims in weird foreign countries, rather than threaten them with destruction. He decided that the US isn't a world all its own, disconnected from that other world where all the terrorists live. He must be stopped. And only Bin Laden can stop him... [CLICK TO READ FULL POST]

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