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Friday, July 17, 2009

Griper Blade: Institutionalized Ignorance

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The less you know, the easier it is to be a Republican. Intellectual powerhouses are not welcome in today's GOP, where their perception of the average, everyday American is Joe the Plumber or Sarah Palin. The right values ignorance, because the facts so often are contrary to their ideas. Take a spin through the right wing blogosphere and you'll see very little actual reporting; you'll see links in opinion pieces that lead to other opinion pieces, you'll see comments written by people who are ignorant as all hell -- and damned proud of it. Right wing talk radio is dominated by mindreaders who tell you what liberals believe, while being 100% wrong.

The Republican party is the party of two constituencies now -- the wealthy and the dumb. Anyone who thinks that the CEO of MegaCorp wastes his time listening to Glenn Beck or reading Michelle Malkin is a fool. The guys in the boardrooms need news, not ignorant blather. They read newspapers. All the right wing media nonsense exists for the chumps. The only way to get the average person to vote Republican is to turn them into an idiot who'll believe anything.

This hasn't been working so well lately, as Americans reject Republican ideas left and right. As things get more desperate for the Grand Old Party, the electorate is stubbornly refusing to get stupider. Luckily, Republicans have a remedy for this lack of idiocy among the populace -- they want to institutionalize ignorance... [CLICK TO READ FULL POST]

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