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Friday, July 03, 2009

Griper Blade: Obama's Like Hitler - Except the Nazis Hate Him

John McCain perfected it in the 2008 campaign. You throw together a completely outrageous ad, run it in one market one time -- or post it on the web and never broadcast it -- and watch the media run with it. Swift Boat Veterans for Truth did the same in '06 against John Kerry, but not to the extent that McCain did. The idea is that you create a "controversial" ad, then the media covers the controversy. Along the way, they play the ad again and again and again -- nationwide and for free. Eventually, the media finally wised up and stopped covering this controversy porn, but that hasn't stopped people from trying the tactic.

Specifically, an ad from the right wing group Our Country Deserves Better PAC, which is the creation of the PR firm Russo Marsh & Rogers, to air someplace on July 7 -- or so they say. In this new ad, we're informed that Barack Obama is exactly like Hitler.


Obama campaign logo converted to swastikaThe anti-Obama group, Our Country Deserves Better PAC, has announced that it will launch an advertising campaign featuring a video claiming that Obama is using tactics common to Hitler’s Germany. An audio teaser video... has been released as a fundraising tool to buy time to air the ad.

The ad lists a series of actions including the report ordered by the Bush administration on right wing extremists released by the Department of Homeland Security after Bush left office. They quote an unnamed Congressman saying, "They proposed a civilian security force and an American congressman warned it was exactly what Hitler did in Nazi Germany."

An unnamed "American congressman" -- always a credible source of historical analysis. By the way, there is no "civilian security force," that's a popular wingnut lie. Our "American congressman" is probably Rep. Paul Broun of Georgia, who -- unfortunately for OCDB PAC -- later recanted... [CLICK TO READ FULL POST]

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