The Hill:The Bush administration was more concerned with getting good publicity from the media than with protecting the health of people affected by Hurricane Katrina, said the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee on Friday.
Rep. Bennie Thompson's (D-Miss.) comments come in the wake of a report released this week by the Inspector General (IG) of the Homeland Security Department that faults the Bush administration for not moving families out of government-issued housing trailers with high levels of formaldehyde sooner.
"The Bush administration's delayed action on testing these trailers is absolutely unacceptable," said Thompson. "Clearly, the old FEMA [Federal Emergency Management Agency] was more worried about media relations than they were about the health of the families they are charged with serving."
More proof of what I always said -- that every problem for the Bush administration was primarily a public relations problem. You'll remember that while everything was going all to hell on the Gulf coast, the Bush administration made a big show of how great everything was supposedly going. When it became clear that things weren't going all that great, they tried to shift the blame to New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin and Democratic Governor of Lousiana Kathleen Blanco.
If everything looks good, it is good. And if everything looks bad, it's all someone else's fault. What it all meant to the regular people having to deal with their Potempkin disaster relief was irrelevant, since the whole goddam world is just a support system for privileged douchebags like those in the Bush administration. If we lose a few drones, so what?
It's not like the people actually matter or anything...