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Monday, August 10, 2009

FOX Host Repeats 'Death Panel' Myth

A noted expert on having sex with other species -- like Finns and Swedes -- surprisingly buys Sarah Palin's claim that Obama wants to kill off old people and developmentally disabled babies. FOX's Brian Kilmeade seems so sharp, too. In a discussion of an op-ed by Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer that debunks the claim and accuses those of making them of fearmongering, Kilmeade said the "death panel" claim was ridiculous -- but totally true.

Raw Story:

In the Fox discussion, Kilmeade skirted around Pelosi and Hoyer’s allegations — plainly aimed at Republicans and other opponents of public health care — and then quickly moved on to enforcing the false claims that the senior House Democrats had just decried.

“Are seniors going to be in front of a death panel?” Kilmeade asked, referring to specious claims made last Friday by ex-Alaska governor Sarah Palin. “And just as you think, ‘Okay, that’s ridiculous,’ then you realize that there’s provisions in there that seniors in the last lap of their life will be sitting there going to a panel possibly discussing what the best thing for them is.”

Kilmeade was evidently referencing a clause in the health reform bill that would provide funding for “end-of-life counseling” that would allow individuals to form “living wills,” documents that caregivers and family members would have to abide by in case the person in question were to become incapacitated.

Brian Kilmeade's a proven idiot. And he never stops proving it. None of that's in any bill and there are more than one. Anyone who talk about "the bill" you can just go ahead and ignore.

You watch FOX & Friends and you think, "Okay, that's ridiculous," but then you realize that it might actually be making you dumber and dive for the remote. At least, if you're still smart.

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