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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Griper Blade: The Summer of the Right Wing Zombies

Woman with sign demanding 'NO Pubic Option'
Researchers tell us that civilization may well be doomed. It's not global warming, it's not an asteroid coming in from the outer reaches of our solar system or a comet that got shaken loose from the Oort cloud, it's not the extinction of bees. The end comes from mindless throngs, shambling through our streets, destroying everything they see like soulless killing machines. Our new problem, it seems, are zombies.

BBC News:

If zombies actually existed, an attack by them would lead to the collapse of civilisation unless dealt with quickly and aggressively.

That is the conclusion of a mathematical exercise carried out by researchers in Canada.

They say only frequent counter-attacks with increasing force would eradicate the fictional creatures.

The scientific paper is published in a book - Infectious Diseases Modelling Research Progress.

In the movies, it always seems like it wouldn't really be a fair fight. Zombies are slow and mindless. But I suppose overwhelming numbers guarantee victory for even the weakest fighters. And, of course, the zombie's weapon is extremely effective; "In books, films, video games and folklore, zombies are undead creatures, able to turn the living into other zombies with a bite," the report reminds us.

The United States is under siege by its own zombie menace. Mindless hordes fill our town hall meetings, groaning about Nazis and killing grandma and socialism. Fortunately, this zombyism isn't contagious -- at least, not strictly. They do catch it from others, but only if they choose to expose themselves to the plague. It comes out of their radios and their televisions, from right wing websites and chain emails. These mindless zombies choose their mindlessness and march around with signs that read "OBAMA=HITLER," "No Government Interference in My Medicare," and "No Pubic Option." And they aren't as completely mindless as their movie counterparts. "Willfully ignorant" is a better description... [CLICK TO READ FULL POST]

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